Clipjump's last public release was in 26/08/14. And it's been 6 months now, without any significant commiting. Shit!

In the meanwhile, I got admitted in college and I am a much better coder now. I learned new languages like C, C++, Python and these kept me busy and away from AutoHotkey. Now, when my language learning spree is about to come to a pause, I want to go back to AutoHotkey and resume the development of my first big project, Clipjump.

Currently, my plan is to resolve issues/bugs and stay away from adding any new features. I also want to make docs more helpful so that users can resolve their queries there only. In an attempt, I redesigned the Clipjump's site using Jekyll to offer a consistent theme across all pages. And then there are some features like Select Channel that I would like to remove because they are not needed and they create confusion.

I will get back to work soon. You can watch Clipjump's git repository for any updates.