Download FigletGUI.exe
Source Code

FigletGUI is a GUI wrapper for the commandline application Figlet.
It is a windows-only application that was created to make working with Figlet easy.

FigletGUI (Figui) is a portable standalone applcation that requires Figlet.exe to be present in the same directory as it for things to work. Optionally a 'fonts' directory with Figlet 3rd party fonts may also be present to load these fonts in the application.

A Figlet.exe packaged with many fonts can be download from this project's repository on Sourceforge.


  1. Download Figlet.exe either from their site or my custom Figlet package.
  2. Then download FigletGUI.exe from the topmost link.
  3. Keep FigletGUI.exe in directory of Figlet.exe and run it.

Some Tips

  • After running FigletGUI.exe for the first time, a figui.ini is created. You can add the preferred_font in there.
  • To see preview of your text in different fonts, click on Font List to activate it. Then you can use Up and Down keys to change fonts and so see previews in them.
