Ahk Board Topic

Class to perform Ini reading and writing operations
Created as a complete replacement of the default Ini commands

  • Much much faster than the default Ini operations.
  • Support for reading/writing linked comments to keys and sections.
  • Same syntax as the default Ini commands.

Example of an Ini created through the lib

;section1 comment
key1 = hithere_key1
key2 = hithere_key2
key3 = hithere_key3

;section2 comment
key1 = hithere2

The code

```autohotkey SetWorkingDir,% A_scriptdir

Ini := new AhkIni("black2.ini") ;will create new ini if nothing exists

ini.write("section1", "key1", "hitherekey1", "keycommentnline2nline3") ini.write("section1", "key2", "hitherekey2", "keycomment2", "section1 comment") ini.write("section1", "key3", "hithere_key3") ;no comment for this key ini.write("section2", "key1", "hithere2", "keycomment2", "section2 comment")

msgbox,% ini.read("section1", "key1", key, sec) "nn" key "nn" sec msgbox,% "Section1 keys are nn" ini.read("section1") ;read the keys in section 1 msgbox,% "Sections in the ini arenn" ini.read() ;ini.delete("section1", "key1") ;delete the above read key


include, AhkIni.ahk

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<a name=methods>
    <p class="tab">Sets a pointer to an Ini settings file.<br />
    The Ini file is created if it doesn't exists.</p>

<li>.Read(Section="", Key="", Byref Key_com="", ByRef Sec_com="")
    <p class="tab">Reads value of the Key contained in a Section to the outputvar.<br />
    If the <b>Byref</b> parameters are specified, the <b>linked</b> Key comments (Key_com) and Section comments (Sec_com) are
     also read.<br />
     If Section="" i.e. the first param is unspecified, the list of sections in the ini will be returned in a fashion similar to the AHK_l
     IniRead command.<br />
     If Key="" , the list of Keys in the specified Section is returned.</p>

<li>.Write(Section, Key, Value, Key_com="", Sec_com="")
    <p class=tab>Write values to a key, creating the key and section if necessary.<br />
    The params <code class="Syntax">Key_com</code> and <code class="Syntax">Sec_com</code> are for key and section comments.<br />
    If these params are omitted, then the original corresponding comment is left unchanged but if<br />
    these params are called as a Space <code class="Syntax">(" " or A_space)</code>, then the linked comment for the section/key is
    deleted and changed to null.</p>

<li>.Delete(Section="", Key="")
    <p class="tab">Delete keys or sections from the ini.<br />
    If Key is omitted , the whole section is deleted.<br />
    If Section is omitted , the whole Ini is deleted.</p>

   <p class="tab">Saves the changes made to the Ini made in memory to the file.<br />
    Remember to call <code class="Syntax">.Save</code> after making the changes.</p>
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